
HomeBlogWall paneling bedroom set design for home decor

Wall paneling bedroom set design for home decor

Wall paneling bed is the growing trend in home furniture.People love to have this bed.This bed base on various size color scheme & combination.Wall penal bed have the finest impact on home decor This bed mainly customize on order. Fabric & brass work mainy use on this bed. Some of the theme have the glass work at the wall.Here we have some reference design which can decor home perfectly.

Brass Wall paneling bed design

Here is the beautiful wall fabric bed.Beautiful cushion penal bed. Brass strip is the beauty of this design. It is big wall cover with cushion work.We have different size cushion piece on the wall. Brass strip is the beauty of this design.Further more at the bed base we have this brass work. King size bed is along with two side table. Deco paint side table.Two drawer. Golden nobs with matt finish work. The classy & iconic look. The most beautiful design.

Hexagonal brass fabric bed

Here is unique bed design. Hexagonal penal bed. This most famous design of iwood furniture.It is the best selling design of iWood Furniture.The iconic theme with moderate design.Beautiful brass work at all side.Also bed base have the brass stripe.Further more we have use with this bed Turkish fabric.Turkish fabric with beautiful texture fabric work.Front of this bed there is storage sethi.

Brass MDF marble sheet design

Beautiful wooden Turkish bed. It is the stylish exceptional bed.We have MDF lasani back with brass strip work. This back wall is along with cushion penal work. Beautiful green fabric is the part of this bedroom set. Center we have looking mirror.Also Turkish fabric at bed. Further more we have tufting work at bed. This bed is king size. Side table along with bed is stain less steel. Gold plated work at side table.

Wooden Hexagonal deco paint bed!

Here is the another hexagonal deco paint bed design. Hexagonal back design. It is the wooden back design.We have looking mirror at this mirror design.The bed base have the brass strip. Further all hexagonal piece are with deco paint. Turkish fabric is the part of this bed.Dresser is with six drawer. Back of the wall of dresser is with hexagonal mirror shape.Brass strip make it more beautiful.

Wooden all penal along with cushion bed

Cushion fabric bed.At the back of this bed there is wooden wall.Walnut strip back is the beauty of this back wall.This all the area is covet by wooden walnut frame work. At front of this wall there is cushion bed. It is the fancy beautiful bed.We have golden legs at bottom.The metal legs with golden deco paint. Frame of this bed is with patex board. Velvet fabric at this bed.Beautiful strip work. The best design for home decor.

Round fabricated bed along with strip back


Round bed mainly customize on order. This bed have the big size & unique shape.Further more mattress of round bed customize as per size.Beautiful velvet fabric is the main part of this round bed .Here is the beautiful round bed.At the side of this bed there is cushion wall. Brass strip work at back wall. Further more this bed is customize velvet fabric.We have slightly curve at back.

Cushion Wall penal bed along back wall!

The most fancy wall penal bed. Beautiful fabric work. The most creative look. The bed is along with strip work. We have finest curve at the back.Plus it has the stitching work at the head board. Foot board is with the same theme.White side table is along with bed.Two drawer. The best & creative shape for home. Further more we have small size dresser along bed. Looking mirror work make it more beautiful.

Long back wall cushion bed design!

Long high back wall penal bed. The most fancy & creative design. Brass strip along with cushion penal.The velvet fabric along with side table.Steel side table.We have golden plated work at side table. Single drawer. Further more we have wooden sethi at front of bed. Wooden legs along with brass cape. Beautiful stitching work.Boxes design.Curve shape legs.Thick round legs with brass.

Brass back bed design

Long head board bed design is the growing trend for home decor.It is beautiful stylish wall penal bed design.Long head board with exceptional height. Further it has the cushion penal work.Foot board is small size.The similar look at foot board.This foot board is round shape.We have beautiful brass strip at the boarder of this bed. The iconic look with finest shape design.The classy & beautiful.

Wall cushion penal bed along with brass strip work!

The best selling design along with cushion work. Brass strip along with MDF board.Marble texture look. Green cushion penal theme.Side penal & foot board is with similar shape. Golden thum pins is the beauty of this bed. Beautiful side table.Gold plated work at side table The best comfort & beautiful shape. Further more next to this bed there is beautiful lamp.It is metal lamp. This lamp is to enhance beauty.

High back cushion penal bed design!

Rexine paneling bed.It is the big size long paneling bed.New design.The perfect shape of paneling work. This best iconic design. It is the king size bed.We have height of this bed is approx 7 feet.Further more we have cushion penal at back. Legs are white with deco paint.White bright rexine. Fancy stylish & moderat theme for home decor.

Wooden polish bedroom set with beautiful look!

The Oak board bed with finest look. It is the walnut board bed penal at back design.We have king size bed here.This bed is attach along with wall bed.Further more there are two side table. This side table are handle less. This design is fully moderate with creative look. The best shape with iconic theme. In addition there are back to back two cushion work. The best pillow & cushion work.

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