Modern latest sofa design in Karachi
Modern latest sofa design
Modern latest sofa design in Karachi on sale at iWood. Sofa set is need of every home. Sofa is the name of comfort and modern way to boos the beauty of room.Sofa is the symbol of comfort and piece of decoration .The modern sofa comes in many shape and design. The mostly sofa set comes in three two or one Seater. The modern sofa design carry the piece of wood and the art of work like the carving crafting design along the Victorian legs and crown in the center. The lounge sofa mostly design with wood and fiber crafting.Its full of comfort and thick with polyester. The arms are with low and high back. The combination of five or seven Seater sofa set is changing now the people prefer two single chair in different shape. Most of the single chairs design have slightly different than three Seater .Read more
Living room sofa
iWood furniture
This modern design sofa made for full of comfort with the pertal wood frame and the interior covered with spring tyre elastic along rope to tight up and joint spring strongly for strength and flex. The exterior is kikar wood for strength fiber work is done for carving. The carving is is in Italian style with dark polish. The polish is mat finish so the room along with the other fabric and design carry the beauty of room. Read more
Drawing room Sofa
The drawing room sofa is design in full cushion fabric for full of comfort. This has the depth of comfort and you felt you are drowning in the comfort of sea.The drawing room sofa mainly use for guest and visitor.
New design by iWood
This drawing room sofa made in pertal wood structure along the silver thumps pins. The back seat is with rafting design. The seat is full of comfort with ten year warranty. The modern design with the beauty and comfort. The comfort is here at iWood. Read more