L-shape sofa design for home decor
L-shape sofa set
L-shape sofa is the beauty of the home & Best part for the home decor.Some call it corner,L-shape sofa.This sofa maily customize on order as per room size & dimension.Therefore it mainly use for the big room & hall.Further there is no limit for the size of L shape sofa set. Probably it can fit in all size. There corner sofa set is the solution of the space.Corner sofa set mainly use in the office area,visiting area or the office.There are the various type of the corner sofa set. We have some latest design for home & office
Extemporary corner sofa
iWood Furniture
Here we have have extemporary corner sofa. The master design for home decor. Modern shape with fancy work. Elegant design with the best finish.Plain grey fabric with with the wooden frame.Multi color cushion with the quire shape. Separate seat design. Comfort shape.Perfect beauty. It is almost eight by eight size corner sofa set. There for it is best for the every place.Furthermore it can place in the center of home & office.Finally is the finest sofa for the comfort.
Mini Corner
iWood Furniture
We believe beauty of the home is base on its furniture.The grace of home is base on it decoration.Like this mini corner sofa set.First of all this design is with the small size.It can be place in any room.Further at the arm back there is the stitch pillar design.This similer design is place on other arm as well.This sofa cover only the 8 feet space.Further base of this sofa set is in the pertal wood.It is the regular design for the iWood furniture.
Print fabric cornet
iWood Furniture
There is no doubt fabric is an important part of the fabric. Because of fabric you can add up more beauty. it can increase or decrease the beauty of the room. Likewise this print fabric sofa set.The doubt less beauty is because of its fabric work.Metal shape legs is for best strength.Small cushion is in the round ball shape.Polyester fill back cushion is for the deep comfort. There are three layer in the backrest.The decent design for home decor.
Luxury corner sofa
iWood Furniture
Here is the corner luxury sofa set.Finest attractive design with wooden work.Blue rexine fabric.Carving of this sofa set is the additional beauty.This sofa is design as per room theme.There is the center table at the front of this sofa set.Tafting design back with stitch design. Dark brown polish work to beautify home.Because of the additional polish work.
Simple corner sofa set
iWood Furniture
Here is the simple rexine corner. Rexine is the less preferable fabric as per karachi climates.There for it demand is more in cold climate areas.It is the imported washable rexine. The browny color rexine is capable to adjust in any room theme.Furthermore back this sofa set is folding.Fully polyester back is best for back rest.Wooden inner base frame for the beauty & strength. New classic design for the home decor & comfort.
Semi U-shape design
iWood Furniture
U-shape sofa with the traditional look.Moden shape along high density foam.Multi color cushion to give the new look. Mela white fabric scheme to match with the room theme. Such a low height sofa.This sofa manufacture in three piece. It also have the side table just next to back rest. Further it has the upper lap center table.Due to multi color cushion it is more stylish & beautiful.In Addition there is grey color carpet for to beautify sofa set.
Boxes shape sofa
iWood Furniture
As long as you go for the corner sofa set. You come to know the similarity in the design & shape too.But this boxes L-shape is different than other.Because of the boxes shape this design is different.Low back corner corner along with boxes shape.There is the same design at the back arm of this corner design. Modern Solid wooden legs.Lite brown polish with the best finish work There is the center table in apple shape. Long legs center table with the best finish work.Though it is the mini table but is best for the home decor.
Low height sofa set
iWood Furniture
Here is the amazing low height corner for the deep comfort. Similar low back design with the difference of button work.Two dimension corner sofa. Bold color plain fabric. This color is the theme of the room. Towel shape cushion in squire shape.Round low height center table with the top of glass.Further seat of this design is with button design.
Corner with dining table
iWood Furniture
This corner is design for dining room. Therefor the dining table is here. It is the multi purpose dining table with the metal legs design.Wooden top dining with similer polish work of brown rexine.It is probably eight seater corner set. Two small sitting bench are the part of this set.This sitting bench are the best part of this set. It can rotate it place as per need. Wooden legs bench with the best strength.
Corner sofa set
iWood Furniture
It is the most fancy corner sofa with the best finish work.Grey color theme with the storage.Storage is the part of this sofa set.Best finish work with the folding arms.Multi functional sofa set. Furthermore this sofa set is with the folding back. Because of folding back it is most comfortable.Likewise the ideal design for the home decor.Further storage center table with the elegance shape.Because of this table it can store & display more storage.The best comfort set. Small decent table. Perfect for home decor.
Traditional U- Shape sofa
iWood Furniture
Here is the traditional U- shape set. This design is best for the big space. U- shape sofa general design with classy work.This sofa is regular design of the iWood furniture.It is simple design sofa with the less effort work.Further this sofa have the wooden work at the arms side.Two fabric combination U-shape sofa is with finest shape.As a result it is the best design for home decor.
Modern corner sofa
iWood Furniture
It is the little corner design with wooden top.At the arm there is deco paint wooden arm.This arm can be use as a side table. Plain malai fabric with boxes design seat. Black deco paint legs.