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Home furniture in Karachi

Home furniture make home comfortable place to live longer & the healthy. The home is the place where we feel more happy secure & satisfy. Home is the mixture of love contributing of effort & the quality furniture.The iWood is Pakistan base furniture company which base in Karachi & the delivered to all over the Pakistan.We strongly believe that the home furniture is the main contributor of your home beauty & style. There are the mant factor which can beautify your home perfectly.

Wall Mirror frame

Classic work
iWood Furniture Wall mirror frame

Wall mirror is an ideal piece of decoration. The big Italian wall mirror cover your wall spot perfect with the glorious look. This exceptional piece of wood art design for wall decor with the various size like 4/6 which is the standered size for the wall. This size can be add or less as per space. The Lasani wood carving with the Ghani glass is the superb & secure combination in the relation of strength & beauty.

Standing wall mirror for home

New design
Wood &carving Wall standing mirror

The old European style standing wall mirror is the first choice of the antique collector.This is vintage style collection which used for the home decor.This is the room decor item & display inside the room for self beauty.This height of this standing wall mirror is almost the 7th feet with the width is 3rd feet. This is the finest piece of work for the home decor.

Console Mirror Frame

New design
iWood Furniture Console & mirror

The console is act like the display center.You can place your memories & achievement here. The console mirror place at the main corner or the most visible or the prominent place of the home.This console is attached with the photo album instead of the wall mirror,here you can place the memories & shear the happienece.

Bedroom furniture design

New design
iWood Furniture Cushion fabric bed design

The cushion fabric bed is the latest trend for the home decor.The cushion fabric bed are best by quality & design.This bed are comfortable,reliable & durable.This bed extend home beauty perfectly.This bed are best for the kids & the elderly people.It is the low height bed which have the foaming & fabric protection by all side.The dresser of this bed is design with the matched theme of the room. Side table of this bed is in the great look with the best combination of the work.

Round bed design

New design
iWood Furniture Round bed design

The round bed with the finest design. The finest legs design with the carving design.The head board of this bed in the classic shape.The flap back in the strip shape. The round curved shape for the home decor.The side table in the round shape. The white pure rexine for the home decor. The trendy round bed are famous world wide. The round shape is always attract & force to audience to admire the things deliberately.

LCD Wall unit

New design
iWood Furniture Modern LCD unit design

The LCD unit unit is the main & the complesury unit of the home.The wall LCD unit is an essential element for the home decor. The LCD wall unit customize on order for home beauty. The color selection of the wall unit is the main theme of the home.This wall unit have the boxes shelf for the storage. This wall unit is manufactured with lasani board along with acrylic material.The shelf on the top of the shelf is the best for show piece & the display.

Lounge sofa design

New design
iWood Furniture Lounge sofa set design

The lounge sofa set with the finest look. The extra length sofa with the carving work. The black & the silver color combination for the home decor. The comfortable seat with the curved arms. tafting at the back of this sofa set along with the individual seats. The curved back with the tiny Victorian legs. The extra tiny legs for the strength of the sofa set. The white rexine is used in this finrest sofa set to decor home brilliantly.

Corner sofa design

New design
iWood Furniture Corner / U-shape sofa design

This is the finest shape sofa set for the home decor.The U shape sofa customize as per the room size for the home decor.This is the ideal set with the maximum sitting of the people. The U-shape sofa need the big space for the home decor.This U-shape sofa made in three different dimension with three different pieces. The one side of this sofa set is presenting the side table for the refreshment stuff.

Bedroom chair

New design
iWood furniture Bedroom chair design

The bedroom chair is the medium of comfort its give you the finest look to the bedroom.This is modern grey rexine bedroom chair.The bold thick arms with the thumps pins. The dark brown rexine with the snake shade.The finest bold rope seats which have the classy look.The back of this chair is well thicked back highly comfortable with durability. The legs of this base on solid wood with the finest shape.

Dining table set

New design
iWood Furniture Dining table set

The dining are is the main area of the home.This area visit by every one & focus the chair style & the dining top.This wood carving works in its best shape.The head of the family chairs is with the classy grip of hand.The best attraction of the home in the finest shape.The top of this dining table in the simple shape with the polish work.The best design of the home with the quality work.Read more / Related this / Know more

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