
HomeBlogCustomize office furniture in Karachi to your work place or work from home!

Customize office furniture in Karachi to your work place or work from home!

If you are looking customize office furniture. iWood furniture is the best place for the customise work. Office furniture is the specific furniture which is design for the office only. It is mainly base on sofa set table visiting chairs & work station. Some of the office table base on executive table. This table have mainly customise on order as per room size.Further more at the back of executive table mainy use the file rack. This file rack have the similar color scheme as we have on executive table. Here we have some office table design to beautify home perfectly.

Customize office furniture wooden table

Here is the big size beautiful wooden office table.We have twin color scheme on this table. This table is customise with MDF board.Size of this office table is 7/7 feet.Further more this table have one side rack too. This side rack have storage inside. Some of this table have the steel work on it. Further more back of this table there is wooden shelf.It is approx 04 feet long wooden storage cabinet. This cabinet have the steel legs at the bottom of this shelf. The beautiful design with impressive look. Further more at the back of this office table there is revolving chairs. Wheel base chair to enhance home beauty.

Customize wooden table with back file cabinet!

Here is anther beautiful wooden office table. This office table have the excellence look. We have dual color scheme with white & brown theme.Size of this table is 7/5 feet. Dept of this table is 2.6 feet. Side rack is five feet. Further more there is open shelf at this middle rack. This side rack have storage inside.Back of this office table there is file cabinet. This open style file cabinet have squire & long shape storage place inside. Back of this chair there is revolving chair. This revolving chairs have the rexine fabric.

Wooden walnut board office table

The long beautiful walnut wooden office table. It is the walnut wooden board on this office table. Size of this table is 8 feet.This beautiful table have the silver work on this table. Side rack of this table is 2/5 feet. Further more there dark wooden color scheme on this wooden table. Back of this table there is file cabinet.This file cabinet is approx six feet long.We have open display on this file cabinet.In addition there is door work at this file cabinet.

High gloss with brass office table design!

Glossy fancy elegent wooden office table. This table have an excellence shape & beauty.We have slightly curve at this table. We have brass strip work at this table. At base there is an other wooden cabinet. We have three drawer at bottom. Next to this drawer one side cabinet.Size of this office table is 6 feet.Further more side rack of this table is four feet. In addition dept of this wooden side rack is 1.6 feet. Glossy shiny & smooth white deco paint office table is the perfect combination & beauty of color scheme.

Meta base wooden board office table set

The beautiful metal base office table. Here is the most simple office table. We have wooden board top on this table.Further more there is revolving chair at the back of this office table. In addition this office table have the big size. It is approx 3/7 feet long metal base office table.Back of the table there is metal rack at the back of this table. Approx 4/4 feet side rack..This file cabinet have the metal & wooden base work. The excellence creative skill full design for home decor.


White wooden board office table with brown theme!

Here is another wooden office table.It is white & brown office table.We have multi drawer & open shelf on this. Further more this wooden table can be use for work from home. White side is with deco paint work.Further more there is light shade of the study table. White is shiny & full of deco paint work.This white side rack have the three drawer in this .Further more there is simple side rack with L shape work. White & brown color scheme to moderate home beauty.

Metal base wooden board office table with black mat paint!

Here is the beautiful metal base study table.This study table have the beautiful L shape. Base of this table is metal with black paint. Top of the table there is wooden board on it. Further more this table is best for the small space. Top of the wooden shelf have the light brown theme work. The best shape with sleek & beautiful design. Further more size of this study table is approx 5/5 feet. The best stylish creative design to moderate home decor & beauty.

Office Furniture Sofa set design!

Sofa is the main part of office furniture.It is as important as the office table & other furniture. Sofa mainly place at the exactive office or room. This sofa base on big size like three seater or seven feet. Most of the office sofa base on rexine fabric. Chester filed is the most popular sofa in office furniture. Further more plain simple & decent sofa set also place at office furniture.Here we have some beautiful sofa collection for your reference.

Chesterfield rexine sofa set with tufting work!

Here is the beautiful rexine sofa.It is the elite luxury sofa which use at office furniture.This sofa have tufting work its seat & back design. Further more it is the three seater sofa set. We have golden thumping at this sofa set. Further more this sofa have wooden legs. Round shape wooden legs with dark brown polish. In addition at front of this sofa there is wooden table. It is 3.6/3.6 feet wooden table. We have dark brown polish work on it.Further more there is golden work on center table.

Plain strip sofa set design for home!

Here is the excellence look green sofa. We have beautiful stitching work on this sofa set. Green fabric is the part of this sofa set.It is the beautiful decent shape sofa.We have finest green velvet fabric on it. Further more arm seat & back have the similar look. In addition we have round golden legs at base of this sofa.It is seven feet long three seater sofa.This sofa can be customise with any other color scheme & design.

Simple plain sofa set with beautiful Jute fabric

Here is the beautiful simple plain three seater sofa. We have plain simple & slim arm on this sofa set. Back of this sofa there is cushion back.It is the foam back at this sofa set. Plain seat at this sofa set.This sofa base on jute fabric. Beautiful color of jute make it more excellence & beautiful. Further more arm of this sofa flapper shape & curvy look.Long beautiful seven feet big sofa set. This perfect color scheme & beauty. Further more this flapper arm design on this sofa set. Beautiful & comfortable sofa set.

Rexine two seater sofa set design with beautiful plain shape!

Here is the beautiful wooden two seater sofa. This sofa base on pertal wooden structure.We have keekar wooden legs with dark brown polish work. Further more seat & the back is plain shape. Dark brown polish on wooden legs. The plain & straight shape arm.Further more there is rope work at seat boarder of this sofa set.In addition color & rexine of this sofa can be customise with any color scheme & theme. The simple stylish decent design for home.

Plain board couch arm style sofa for office

Here is the stylish couch style fabricated sofa. We have flapper arm with rope work. Beautiful velvet fabric on this sofa set.This sofa base on two pieces. One is along with arm side. Other side is with couch work.Further more thee are beautiful cushion on this sofa set.Back of this sofa have slightly curve shape. We have fully plain seat & ball fiber work on this sofa couch. Bold arm with diamond supreme foam.

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