Buy corner / L Shape sofa with Turkish design & theme.
Corner sofa or L shape sofa is famous by its shape & design.Most of corner sofa base on two pieces. This piece link with each other.In addition there are various size & shape of corner sofa set.Some of theme have the folding cushion at back.Some have fix back.Also there are the various type of fabric use with sofa set. Turkish velvet jute jacquire fabric mainly use with sofa set.Further more the best sofa set always customize as per room size theme & dimension.
Turkish corner sofa set along with multi color cushions!
iWood Furniture
Turkish shaded corner sofa. We have multi color cushion on this sofa set. It is the arm & couch design sofa.The corner sofa is customize as per theme.Further more it is custom size sofa. Pinching box at the seat of this corner sofa set. Back of this corner have the small height. The best creative theme design.The fabric contrast of this sofa is with the theme. Stitching & design is the beauty of this set.
Turkish corner sofa along with brass strip!
iWood Furniture
Here is the beautiful corner sofa.It is stylish Turkish corner sofa set.Arm of this sofa have the beautiful brass strip work. Golden thump pins at the arm side.Also there is strip design at the back.We have beautiful multi color cushion at back.Flapper shape bold arm is the part of this sofa. Long brass strip at border of this sofa set.Further more beautiful plain seat is the part of this sofa set.Beautiful wooden legs with dark brown polish.Also there is round steel table with marble top.
Rexine corner sofa along with multi color cushions!
iWood Furniture
Here is another design of corner sofa.Beautiful green rexine with cushion back. It is the button style corner back sofa.It is the big size sofa.We have one side arm & one side couch.This corner sofa base on two piece. It is approx 11/7 feet long corner sofa set.Further more we have beautiful multi color cushion at this sofa set. Ball fiber work filling at the back of this cushion. Pertal wooden frame is the part of this sofa set.
Jute corner sofa along with storage / Display arm design!
iWood Furniture
. Here is the beautiful corner sofa. This corner sofa have the beautiful look. This sofa have the flapper arm. Two color theme. Jute & jacquire fabric.Further more this arm have storage box.It is the walnut polish box. One is the big size & two small size. Steel legs. Flower printed fabric. Foam back design.Further more there is cushion settee next to this corner sofa set. It is 10/10 feet size corner sofa set.
Velvet corner sofa with multi color cushions!
iWood Furniture
Beautiful corner sofa set. It is the best comfort sofa. Finest stitching work at seat design. Back of this sofa is with folding cushion. It is the velvet fabric on this sofa set.Further we have color full cushion on this corner sofa set. Golden wooden legs on this sofa.In addition there is metal center table.Glass top on this center table.Next to metal table there is low height wooden chairs.
Black Rexine corner sofa along with storage!
iWood Furniture
Black rexine sofa. Beautiful storage sofa.This rexine sofa have an iconic look. We have finest pinching work at seat & back.Also we have flapper at the back. It is the fix flapper.Further more at the center we have wooden storage box.Dark brown polish top. Also there is center table.It is 2/4 feet center front of this sofa.Top of the table there is glass. Flapper arm with finest creative shape.
Flappy corner sofa with ball fiber back
iWood Furniture
Cozy corner sofa.This is best by comfort & beauty.It is the blue velvet fabric on this finest sofa set.We have ball fiber back cushion this sofa set.Seat is big & beautiful with division. Further more we have jute fabric on this sofa set. This sofa is best for TV lounge or for the long sitting. Also there is ball fiber at back of cushion. Wooden legs which have the l shape too.Best for comfort .
Turkish corner sofa along with button design!
iWood Furniture
This corner sofa have the unique look.Beautiful Turkish fabric on this sofa.Further more there is tufting work at the corner side of the sofa. Also we have stitching work at button work at this sofa set. Also as you can see that there is open space at arm & side.This side have cover up with brass work. Brass legs are attach with sofa set.Further more this sofa have stitching work. New classy & moderate design.
Rexine Flapper corner design with dual color scheme!
iWood Furniture
Flapper back sofa.It is stylish corner sofa.We have dual color scheme with this sofa set.Flapper back is the beauty of this design. Also dual color scheme.Foam work at seat & back. It is the long size sofa.One side we have couch of this sofa set.Other side is similar design along with arm. Further more there is center table.It is the walnut center table.Dark brown polish table. Steel legs at the base of this sofa set.
Green jute corner sofa set!
iWood Furniture
Small size corner sofa. Unique color scheme of this sofa set.This sofa is customize with jute fabric. Simple seat with plain back design. Jute fabric with shaded theme. The most classy look with plain arms design. This fancy moderate design have the glorious shape.Best for the small family & small room. Finest pertal wooden frame.Size of this sofa is approx 7/7 feet.
Traditional Jute corner sofa with beautiful printed fabric!
iWood Furniture
Here is the traditional corner sofa. We have beautiful ball fiber cushion back design.Seat is soft along with pinching work. Arm of sofa are bold with wooden structure.One side arm design & other side is couch style. This sofa base on jute fabric.Jute is the best fabric for the sofa set.Further more there is border design at this sofa.Similar printed fabric use in this sofa set. Fully moderate design.
Flapper jute fabric sofa set design!
iWood Furniture
As you have seen various design of sofa. But this sofa is slightly different then other. This sofa back is cover up with flapper work. Long couch is the along with corner.Also there is wooden legs with dark polish work. Round wooden legs along with dark brown polish work.Also there is metal side table is with sofa set. Squire & rectangle cushion are the part of this sofa set. Plain & decent design.
Blue Velvet tufting bold arm sofa
iWood Furniture
Bold arm tufting corner sofa set. It is the finest stitching tufting design.The most beautiful iconic theme design. Golden thump ping along golden legs.Beautiful velvet fabric on this sofa set. Plain seat along with rope work.Wooden center table. Squire shape center table.Inside of this sofa we have pertal wooden frame . Walnut board with dark brown polish.Bold arm with thump pins.
Rexine single chairs design for the L shape sofa
iWood Furniture
Single chairs design sofa.It is the beautiful rexine sofa.We have unique style chairs. This single chairs are arm less.This rexine chairs is very comfortable. Stain less steel legs on chairs.Comfy & comfort chairs.Further more there is wooden center table. Long beautiful table.Top is wooden board. Further more big size corner with beautiful theme.
Rexine flapper sofa with multi color sheme
iWood Furniture
Here is the beautiful corner sofa. This corner sofa have the fully rexine work on it.Beautiful color tone. Stitching work on seat. Multi color cushion on sofa set.Further more we have arm with double flapper work. Steel legs with round shape.Soft cushion at the back of this sofa. Further more there is center table. Grey & black rexine is part of this sofa. Further more there is storage box at this sofa set.
Metal base plain velvet sofa set design!
iWood Furniture
Metal bas corner sofa.Dark camel color scheme with finest velvet fabric.It is the well strength sofa.Metal is the best material for holding weight. Further more this sofa is classy too.Best comfort with beautiful strip design. Inner structure of this sofa is pertal wooden frame. Plain seat design.New creative theme to moderate home beauty. This beautiful design can enhance home beauty with style.