Beautiful carving lounge sofa at best price available.
A sofa consists of the frame, padding covering. The frame is usually made of wood but also be made of steel, or laminated boards. Sofa padding is made from foam, down, feathers, fabric or a combination thereof. Sofa covering are usually made out of leatherette, velvet or jute. More detailed sofa is piece of furniture with a back and usually arms, that two or more people can sit on it at once.
There are various type of sofa set are, such as Drawing room sofa, lounge sofa, L shape sofa or U shape sofa. The most commonly sofa is made of wood such as Sheesham, walnut, pertal, but pertal is the most common wood, which is suitable for sofa making because pertal is durable and solid. Carving sofa is made of lasani board and keeker wood. Lounge sofa usually has the carving design. That enhances the beauty of lounge room.
Simple Molding work sofa.
iWood Furniture
This is three seated sofa set. It has made in pertal wood. Pertal is the most common wood for making sofa structure normally. Because pertal wood has the durability. In-side the cushions it has unifoam used that has the warranty. Fabric is leatherette. leatherette is normally used fabric for sofa. It is long lasting fabric. Plus it is washable from stain. Fabric color is cream. Sofa seat size is 24 inches in depth. It is standard size seat. It is simple style lounge sofa. All around the sofa it has wooden molding line given. That has the light brown color polish done. Good finishing work done
Italian Carving Sofa.
Three seater sofa
This is three seated sofa. Its seat size should be 24 inches in depth. Which is the standard size. It has made in pertal wood and keeker wood. Keeker wood has the craving taken place. As it can be seen that center of the sofa, It has beautiful carving crown given Rest pertal wood makes the structure of it. Which is the usual wood for making sofa structure. Sofa has the Velvet fabric used. It is in off white color. Velvet is soft and smooth fabric. Center of the sofa it has tufting work done. Velvet is demandable fabric these days by buyers. Legs are straight. Sofa has the golden color deco paint on it. It is classy and antique style designed sofa.
Beautiful carving molding sofa
iWood Furniture
This is three seated sofa. It has made of leatherette. Leatherette is most common fabric used for covering sofa. Leatherette is durable and long lasting fabric. Color is black. Structure of sofa has made in pertal wood and. Pertal is the most usual wood to be used for making sofa structure. Keeker wood has the carving work taken place. Keeker wood is solid and durable as well. On carving it has golden color deco pant on it. It has tufting button work done on the back of the sofa. Which is pure Italian style. It has six legs So it has firm standing to the ground. Beautiful pure antique style sofa that enhances the beauty of lounge room.
Antique Style sofa.
iWood Furniture
This is three seated sofa. Sofa seat size is 24 inches in depth. It has made in pertal and keeker wood. Keeker wood has done all the carving. Pertal wood makes the structure of it. Both woods are solid and durable. It has unifoam used for sitting cushions. That has warranty. Fabric is velvet used. Velvet is getting most common fabric for sofa cushion these days. It is demandable too by buyers. Back of the sofa and the arms inside, It has tufted button work taken place, though sitting is in simple plain look. Arms and back has the equal height. Legs are little curvy to the outer side. It has four legs. It is beautiful antique style sofa.
Tufted carving sofa.
iWood Furniture
This is three seated sofa. It has totally made in pertal wood. Pertal wood has the durability and solidness. Sofa seat size is 24 inches that is slandered size. It has fabric leatherette used. That is in cream color. leatherette is long lasting fabric and has been using for ages in making sofa. It is simple style sofa. Sofa arms and the back has the equal height. It is entirely made in simple plain structure. It has unifoam used that has the warranty. All the three sitting cushion are in separate look. Legs are in rectangle shape. Which is why it has firm standing to the ground. It is new modern age sofa. That can enhance the beauty of lounge room.
Italian Tufting carving sofa.
iWood Furniture
This three seated sofa. Its seat size is 24 inches in depth. It has leatherette used. which is in black color. leatherette is traditional fabric and most commonly demandable by buyers. Back and arms are in plain look. Though sitting has the printed fabric used. Back has the beautiful tufted button work has taken place. On keeker wood all the carving done. Canter of the sofa it has carving crown given. Its legs also have been craved. Legs are little curvy to the outer side. Sitting cushions have the unifoam used for making. That has the warranty. beautiful design. Good finishing work done.
Simple tufted molded sofa.
iWood Furniture
This is three seated sofa. It has has made in pertal wood and keeker wood. Pertal wood makes the sofa structure. Keeker wood has the carving work taken place, It is beautiful carving that has all the surrounding on. Sofa seat size is 24 inches. That is the standard one. Fabric is velvet. velvet is the most common fabric these for sofa making. As velvet is soft and smooth, and durable too. Arms, back, and the sitting has been stitched in simple plain look. It has the unifoam used. That has warranty. It has five legs, so it has the firm standing to the ground. One of the elegant design.
Modern lounge wooden sofa.
iWood Furniture
This is three seated sofa set. Its seat size is 24 inches in depth. That is the normal standard size sofa seat made in. Sofa has made in pertal wood and keeker wood. By pertal wood sofa frame has made in. It has the beautiful craving work taken place. Carving has been done on keeker wood. That is all around from top to bottom. On carving it has beautiful deco paint on it. That is glittering and shining. Sofa has seven legs more then the normal sofa legs. it has beautiful printed jute fabric used. It has the unifoam used that has the warranty. Beautiful unique design.
Tufted button style sofa.
iWood Furniture
This is five seated sofa set. It is beautifully carved sofa set. Carving has taken place on keeker wood. This carving molding work is all around the sofa. Keeker wood is solid and durable. structure of sofa has made in pertal wood. Pertal wood is the most common wood to be used for making sofa structure. Sofa seat is 24 inches in depth. Fabric is velvet. Velvet is the most common fabric these days to be used for making sofa. Velvet is soft and smooth. It is has the durability too. Sofa has the golden color deco paint on it. It is unique style sofa set.
Simple carving molding sofa.
iWood furniture
This is two seated sofa. It has beautiful molding carving taken place. it is simple style as well. It has made in pertal wood and keeker wood. Pertal wood has made the structure of it. Rest on surrounding carving and molding work has taken place on keeker wood. Its cushion have made in unifoam. That has the warranty. It has cushion given. Fabric is Jute. That is in white color. Jute fabric is durable and long lasting. sofa seat size is 24 inches. That is the standard size. It has the chalk color polish done, and on carving it has golden deco paint done. Legs are slightly curvy to the outer side. It is antique and unique designed sofa.
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