Center table design
Center Table
Center table design change every year. Every year new design created to bring connectivity with customer. its manufactured in wood Lasani board fiber steel iron and so on. Most of the table manufactured in wood and Lasani board. Center table mainly used in center of the room along with small table which takes place corner of room. Its mainly used in drawing room and lounge room along with sofa set. Its manufactures as per room size and matched with room furniture.

iWood furniture
Drawing Room Table
Drawing room is a place where we serve visitor and friend.Drawing room table is usually small nice but well enough to serve more people. Its manufactured in wood most of time to give better shine to room.

iWood furniture
Lounge Room Table
Lounge is a place where we and our family member spend most of time. Its required nice big and fancy table where we could serve our family . lounge room furniture and table should be in same design.

iWood Furniture